In observance of the upcoming holiday, we will be closed on Thursday, July 4. We will also have reduced hours, closing at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 3 and Friday, July 5.  You can always find answers to your questions on our website, or log in to the Message Center to send us a secure message.

Qualified Domestic Relations Order

Getting a divorce? What could happen to your pension?

A Qualified Domestic Relations Order, or QDRO, is a legal order resulting from a divorce or legal separation that gives the divorced spouse or other dependent — defined as an alternate payee — their share of an asset such as a pension or retirement plan benefit. In many cases, parties may choose not to enter into a QDRO but divide other similar assets.

The Fund does not write the QDRO, however, you or your attorney must comply with our procedures and the QDRO must be entered with a court. To ensure the order complies with our procedures, it is recommended the parties use the applicable model form below.

Forms and Documents

We have provided pre-approved sample model language which can be found below. The language differs depending on whether or not you are currently receiving Retirement Benefits. Please choose the form that applies to your divorce or separation circumstance.

In addition, please see the Procedures for Administering a Qualified Domestic Relations Order 

QDRO Language for members who are not retired:
QDRO Language for members who are retired:


PHONE: 800-323-2152 ext. 3876

FAX: 847-518-9752

EMAIL: The QDRO department at

MAIL: Any QDRO related inquiries may be mailed to:

Central States Pension Fund
Attn: Domestic Relations Orders
P.O. Box 5109
Des Plaines, IL 60017-5109